How EmailReputationAPI Works

Your online business is getting crushed by tire kickers, credit card fraudsters, pay-per-click bots, and other low-quality leads who will never buy your product.

EmailReputationAPI tracks more than 160,000 anonymized e-mail domains. How many of these e-mails are clogging up your CRM and wasting your sales team's time?

EmailReputationAPI can identify low quality leads, giving you and your sales team more time to focus on those individuals having a sincere interest in learning more about your company. You can use EmailReputationAPI in the following ways:

  • Trial Gating. Prevent users with personal and anonymized email addresses from starting a product trial.
  • List Filtering. Filter bogus email addresses from conference and webinar contact lists.
  • Marketing Asset Management. Stop unqualified leads from downloading marketing material.
  • Fraud Prevention. Crack down on fraudsters from using your website to validate stolen credit cards.
  • Cost Reduction. Reduce costs associated with CRMs like Hubspot and Salesforce by removing fake leads.

You can plug EmailReputationAPI into your company using our secure API. You'll pass the lead email (or preferably just the email domain) to our system, and we'll return information about whether that email is personal, anonymized, or a potentially valid lead. See the documentation for more information about the API.

One final note: we will NEVER store, sell, or trade information about your leads. Ever.